I love this rework, down to just how changing the note placement, but still capturing the original vibe of the song!
Well done!
I love this rework, down to just how changing the note placement, but still capturing the original vibe of the song!
Well done!
Thanks to you :)
What made this 10x better for me during the intro I scrolled down and saw the WSPA advert and it just fitted with it!
In all seriousness though I enjoyed the piece, personally i'd have put a bit of pizzacato with the strings would help cut through clearer, but that's just me
Ristar wow
Not often you see something for Ristar pop up, but although it's clear, personally I would have not used some of these sounds, and just left it as a loop because that is what it is, a loop for a level, if you had put in some variation it would have made this loop into a song then it would have been much better.
But I'm guessing you were trying to keep it very mega drive/genesis, which strikes as being odd if you had never played Ristar or even owned the console, as it says in the description.
Anyway, it's a good attempt but I think you should rework some of the instruments and cut it down to a loop because it repeats anyway, so you may aswell just have it loop once, unless you make something happen on the 2nd or 3rd time it repeats.
Thanks for the notes. As a matter of fact, I've been told by people to actually lengthen songs that loop, so this kinda went with the idea of what they were asking for
Great loop
8bit win, wasn't sure when it looped round the first time, but 2nd, 3rd, 4th time fine, must be ng loading.
Great loop though dude
The guitars come in a bar after the drums have started lol, also I had already mixed the drums so there was no need to make them more bassy :P shift the drums back a bar or the guitars forward a bar and it'll be win
OH SHI.. I will fix em! lol.. Sorreh X_x
Could have used better sounds
Yeah the sounds are horrible dude, they lead pierces through everything not in a good way either, try to mix it a bit more and change the lead, it'll sound way better (Y)
...well thanks for the review...but I really can't change a thing when i'm done with a song because I only have the demo version of FL Studio...
Good guitar skills
Playing is good, the ending doesn't feel right to me though, and at the start, the strings/organ doesn't seem to fit with the song either
1:22 also the volume increases aswell, did you mean to do that?
that was wicked, the middle section with the chior could have been done better tho I reckon
yeah i was gonna add stuff but byt eh time i finished it i realized i didn't. haha thanks for the review though!
Was good
But needs to be remixed the levels are all over the place, and peaking like a bitch, which spoils it, I like the idea of it though, its Halo verses Sonic 3 end credits lol.
Just sort out the levels by turning them down
That was cool yes
I was expecting the bog standard pianos and strings for a min then, but when the drum rolls started up and the harmonies, I was impressed xD
Gives it a milatry army "we will remember them" feel to it, only complaint really is some instruments are a lot louder than others in places 0:21 seconds in with the strings is one, if you made them softer when the drum roll comes in it'll give it a better dynamic change. Also I don't like the ending you could have something much more with it I think. On my version of this it ends with the drum beat and then the bass drum hit to make it more ambient, its hard to explain you'll have to listen to it lol.
But either way good job guy :)
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